Department Hosts Alumni Panel
Alumni Panel offers Communication Students Insight into Careers, Education
On May 30, the Department of Communication hosted a conversation between several of our successful alumni and a group of motivated, engaged undergraduates. In the first of what the Department hopes to make a regular event, the alumni panel answered questions about how they made decisions about graduate school, why they chose their particular fields of specialization, and how they apply principles they learned at UC Davis.
The panelists for this event came from diverse professional domains, providing wide-ranging insight. Miriam Hernandez (class of 2003) is a marriage and family therapist who works as program coordinator directing mental health services in Sacramento County. Rachel Gish (class of 2005) is the Director of Communication for Health Access California, a non-profit advocacy group working for health care accessibility in California. Vanessa Errecarte (class of 2004) is the founder and CEO of Marketing Simplified, a marketing consulting and coaching firm, as well as a lecturer at the UC Davis School of Business. Each panelist shared how their early job experiences helped to direct them towards the career areas about which they became passionate.
As a particular note, panelists reflected fondly on taking classes with Dr. Virgina Hamilton, who was in attendance at the panel.