The requirements for our major provide students with considerable flexibility to tailor a plan of study that satisfies their educational objectives and career plans. Below are sample plans of study for various emphases. These sample plans are offered to help our majors consider the full range of possibilities available to them. These plans should not be considered prescriptive. The plan that best meets your needs could be considerably different than any of the plans offered below. Talk with our advising staff about what is best for you and your educational goals.
Emphasis: Communication Theory Depth Subject Matter Requirements CMN 101: Communication Theories CMN 102: Empirical Methods in Communication CMN 120: Interpersonal Communication CMN 140: Introduction to Mass Communication CMN 170: Digital Technology and Social Change Electives CMN 110: Communication Networks CMN 112: Theories of Persuasion CMN 114: Communication and Cognition CMN 121: Language Use in Conversation CMN 122: Nonverbal Communication |
Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication Depth Subject Matter Requirements CMN 101: Communication Theories CMN 102: Empirical Methods in Communication CMN 120: Interpersonal Communication CMN 140: Introduction to Mass Communication CMN 172: Computer-Mediated Communication Electives CMN 111: Gender Differences in Communication CMN 121: Language Use in Conversation CMN 122: Nonverbal Communication CMN 123: Intercultural Communication CMN 124: Family Communication |
Emphasis: Organizational Communication Depth Subject Matter Requirements CMN 101: Communication Theories CMN 102: Empirical Methods in Communication CMN 120: Interpersonal Communication CMN 140: Introduction to Mass Communication CMN 170: Digital Technology and Social Change Electives CMN 130: Group Communication CMN 131: Strategic Communication in Public Relations CMN 132: Social Media for Public Relations CMN 136: Organizational Communication CMN 139: Advanced Organizational Communication |
Emphasis: Media Processes & Effects Depth Subject Matter Requirements CMN 101: Communication Theories CMN 102: Empirical Methods in Communication CMN 120: Interpersonal Communication CMN 140: Introduction to Mass Communication CMN 170: Digital Technology and Social Change Electives CMN 141: Media Effects: Theory and Research CMN 142: News Policies, Practices and Effects CMN 143: Analysis of Media Messages CMN 144: Media Entertainment CMN 147: Children, Adolescents, and the Media |
Emphasis: Information & Communication Theory Depth Subject Matter Requirements CMN 101: Communication Theories CMN 102: Empirical Methods in Communication CMN 120: Interpersonal Communication CMN 140: Introduction to Mass Communication CMN 170: Digital Technology and Social Change Electives CMN 110: Communication Networks CMN 172: Computer-Mediated Communication CMN 174: Social Media CMN 176: Video Games Theory and Research CMN 141: Medial Effects: Theory and Research |