Permission to Add (PTA) Policy

We do our best to provide as many seats in CMN courses as we can, and we can sometimes increase the maximum capacity of courses with waitlists (depending on classroom size and TA/instructor resources). If you are trying to get into a course that is currently full, the best option is to waitlist and find a backup class in case you are not able to get in. If course expansion is not possible, your only way to get off of the waitlist is if enrolled students drop the course.

We will only issue PTAs to students in the following situations AND if classroom size and TA/Instructor resources are sufficient to support additional enrollment:
  • You are experiencing an extenuating circumstance that will delay graduation, and you meet all the following requirements:
    • You are a Communication major/minor
    • You are a graduating senior
    • You meet all the prerequisites
    • You must take this specific course this quarter (and there are no alternative available options) otherwise your graduation will be delayed.
    • You must provide email documentation from your academic advisor confirming you have no other options and must take this course now to graduate on time.
  • You were dropped from the course due to non-payment.
  • You were dropped from the course due to an administrative (University) error.
  • Your prerequisite petition was denied, but you have proof of meeting the prerequisites.

In addition to meeting one of the four situations above, you must meet BOTH of the following requirements:

  • You were registered/waitlisted in the class by the end of the 1st week of instruction.
  • You meet all prerequisites, there is room in the course, and your instructor has approved your PTA request.

Documentation of the situations above will be required. Please note that students who attempt to mislead their instructors and/or department staff about their situation in attempts to justify the need for a PTA may be referred to Student Judicial Affairs. Even if documentation is provided, the department may still deny the PTA request if the course cannot accommodate additional students.

You must submit your PTA request by the 5th day of instruction. You will be notified via your UC Davis email address of the outcome. PTA requests submitted before the 5th day of instruction (2nd day of instruction for Summer Sessions) will be processed before the 12th day of instruction (or the 5th day of instruction for Summer Sessions).

Students seeking a PTA after the 5th day of instruction will be at the discretion of the instructor and pending classroom/instructor resources. Late fees may apply.

How to request a PTA:
  1. Students should go to the course instructor first to discuss their situation and obtain preliminary approval for a PTA.
  2. Once instructor approval is received, students should follow-up with CMN Advising, at, to confirm they meet the requirements (stated above).
  3. Once CMN Advising determines that student requirements have been met, Advising will issue the PTA via email, with a copy of the email sent to the instructor.


Dated: March 11, 2024