Alisa Shubb

Alisa Shubb Portrait

Position Title
Continuing Lecturer

395 Kerr Hall


  • M.A., Rhetoric and Communication, UC Davis, 1990


Alisa Shubb's primary academic interests are public communication, listening and interpersonal communication. She also has a background in dance, focusing on Argentine tango. Beyond teaching at UC Davis, she is a professor and co-chair of the Department of Speech Communication at American River College in Sacramento.

Research Focus

Alisa Shubb conducts research on the differences between face-to-face and mediated communication. She analyzes self-reported measures of satisfaction and external analysis of message effectiveness.


  • Shubb, A. (2014). Communication through public speaking. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
  • Shubb, A (2015, April 26). The Power of Public Listening / Alisa Shubb/TEDxUCDavis [video file]


Alisa Shubb teaches CMN001 – Introduction to Public Speaking.